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Hand-crafted by Natasa in store and at home. Our wonderful beeswax candles are known to purify the air as they burn, rather than poisoning it. Beeswax candles have been documented to improve allergies, asthma and more; by releasing negative ions which neutralise the positively charged air pollutants. We offer our candles in natural beeswax colour or in a variety of organically-dyed colours.


Colour/Scented Options
  • Most candles are made from paraffin wax a by-product of petroleum refining. When you set them alight, they release the same toxins as diesel fuel into the air you breath.

    Beeswax candles on the other hand are known to purify the air as they burn, rather than poisoning it. They have been documented to improve allergies, asthma and more; by releasing negative ions which neutralise the positively charged air pollutants.